Monday, 24 June 2013

London Map Picture

This week I am entertaining. Two of my oldest friends have flown over to visit me in Malta, and I have been super busy catching up and giggling far too much with them, so this will just be a short post today. In fact I could probably summarise this post in one sentence..

How cool is this picture?

Source: Film Noir Art Prints

It's a map of London showing film titles, actors, directors and theatres positioned where they most made their mark. Little things like this catch my eye, and I could spend ages reading all the names and titles. I think it's great.

Hope you all had a great weekend. The next time you hear from me I'll be back in England. Not too sure if I'm happy or sad about this. A bit of both I think

Georgia x

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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Worst parent ever

I've been so busy lately I forgot my blog's birthday! My blog turned one in May, and I forgot. I feel terrible. Like a parent who forgot their child's birthday (ok, am I being a bit dramatic now?)

But honestly, I only have a week left in Malta now, and I've been super busy trying to fit in all the things I want to do before I leave. But, if you can hold on just a little longer blog, I promise to make it up to you when I'm back settled in England.

Georgia x

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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Goodbye Malta

The time has come for me to leave Malta. This amazing country has been my home now for the last year and it has truly captured a piece of my heart. I am so sad to leave. I'm going to miss the lovely weather, the amazing people we have met, the friendships that were created, the delicious food and the unbelievable experience.

Goodbye Malta. You'll always have a place in my heart 


Friday, 14 June 2013

Little Loves

Little things that have made me smile recently

1. Having people from home over to visit us (or maybe they're just here for the sun)

2. Seeing people's reactions the first time they enter our apartment and see our amazing sea view

3.Cocktails on the beach, the only bad part is having to choose which one you want as there are so many delicious choices

4. Booking my summer holiday (I'm so excited, but I'm not going to tell you anything now as I'll leave it for another post)

5. Group breakfasts. Nothing solves a hangover better than a big breakfast, plus reminiscing over last night's antics over breakfast is hilarious

Georgia x

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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Blog your dreams

So…my spending ban didn't go to well..

But how cool is this bag? 

I bought it from Bershka and as soon as I saw it I had to have it. It's quite a big size, so I wasn't sure exactly what I'll use if for yet, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Anyway, now all of our university work is out the way, my housemate and I have been enjoying living in Malta to the full. We've been to the beach (the backdrop of the above pictures) and last weekend we went on a boat party. It was AMAZING. Free drinks and food plus great music, what more could you want? The only bit I was slightly worried about was jumping in the water at 8 o'clock at night, brrrrrrr.

However, the water was actually really warm (the copious amounts of sangria I had might have helped) and jumping off the boat into the water was so much fun, I loved it!

Georgia x

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Saturday, 8 June 2013

It's almost a different language..

My northern housemates, Stacey and Claire

Me: Stace, can you pass me those glasses please?
Stace: Whege? 

Stace: You've got a feg on the top of your head
Me: A what?

Me: You've misspelt 'mum' on your mothers day card
Claire: No I haven't, it's spelt 'mom'

Stace: I feel a bit riffy 

Me: I'm going to start cooking dinner soon
Claire: What you having nice?
(Note lack of punctuation)

And if you understood any of that, then you must be northern too (my housemates actually argue they're from the midlands, but north of the Watford Gap and your a northerner to me!)

Georgia x

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Monday, 3 June 2013

Wanderlust TAG

As my regular readers know, I am currently living in Malta. I have been here since September. But I was no newbie to travelling before I came out here, and I would love to go exploring again. So when I saw Estée from Essiebutton had done a tag about travelling I was so excited to watch it.

I know she didn't tag me, but I thought the questions were really good so I thought, why not!

Wanderlust Tag:

1. Your most treasured passport stamp?
My most treasured passport stamp is either my Cambodia visa because it is so pretty and I learnt so much in that country, or the stamp I got when I flew into Malta, as it will always remind me of this amazing year

Plus, they weren't really supposed to give stamps out, but I fluttered my eyelashes at the passport inspector and he let me in his little glass 'office' so I could stamp my own passport. How cool is that :)

2. Can you recite your passport number from memory if asked?
No, no chance. 

3. Preferred method of travel; planes, trains or automobiles?
Depends where I am. If it's a long distance then definitely planes. I know some people don't like planes but personally I haven't got a problem with them. I have flown on my own a number of times and don't really mind them in terms of public transport. As a side note, I once flew from Surrey to Leeds by plane, so maybe it doesn't have to even be long distance

4. Top 3 travel items?
Guide book, camera and journal

5. Hostel or hotel?
Either. Sometimes it's nice to have a little luxury in a hotel, but sometimes it's fun to slum it with some friends. One of my favourite places I've ever stayed was in a tent in Africa in someones back garden. So many great memories.

6. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?
New places. There are some places I would like to return to, but I'm always on the look out for somewhere new to go

7. Do you read up on your destination (culture,history,safety) or do you wing it?
I always read up about an area. Before and during the trip

8. Favourite travel website?
I mainly rely on guidebooks, and travel blogs. Trip adviser is also good for reviews. 

Kuang Si Falls, Laos

9. Where would you recommend a friend to visit?
Luang Prabang in Laos. Not many people have visited this country but it was such an incredible place. I got to swim with elephants, visit a picturesque waterfall, experience the giving of alms (where the monks walk through the streets early morning collecting donations of rice), eat meals with a river view to rival almost anything, and visit majestic temples. 

10, You're leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?
Either South America, including Brazil, Peru, Chile and Columbia


A road trip across America

So those are my answers. If anyone else fancies doing this tag, feel free. I'm especially interested to see what places you recommend people to visit.  

Georgia x

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Saturday, 1 June 2013

Age is just a number

There are some things which bring out the inner child in you. And finding a water fountain in the baking heat is one of them.

Lets all take a minute to appreciate how brown my legs are, achievment!
Spot the housemate..

Told you, such a child..

Georgia x

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