Sunday, 27 July 2014

Monthly book reviews - June

Now that I've finished university and entered the grown up world of work, I'm spending a considerable amount of time on a train commuting too and from my job. This has resulted in lots of books being read, which gave me the idea of starting a monthly feature of mini reviews.  I've never had a recurring feature on my blog, so lets hope I can keep it up. (One post a month can't be that hard right?!)

So, here is my 'June mini book review monthly feature' (yeah, I'm still working on a name..)

'Divergent' Series by Veronica Roth


Sunday, 20 July 2014

Picture outtakes from the Lingfield Races

This is my 'why won't my boyfriend just pose for a picture like a normal person' face

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Lingfield Races -- my evening in numbers

Last weekend my sister and I, plus our boyfriends went to the races. We had an absolutely wonderful time, and despite a little rain at the beginning, the rest of the afternoon was beautifully hot and sunny. I've never been to the races before, so I didn't now what to expect but I really enjoyed it. We even got to watch a Shire Horse race (it felt like watching a race in slow motion).