I know, I know. Everyone and their mum has done a review on these nail varnishes. And here's another one spamming your screen. I'm sorry. Originally I wasn't going to do this post, seeing as everyone else has already written theirs. I wouldn't give in to peer pressure or jump on the band waggon and tell everyone how amazing they are..
But then I thought, surely that would mean I'm allowing other people to influence me into not writing this post? So in actual fact, by writing this post I am being independent and doing my own thing? (You still following..)
So here's my totally unique, not jumping on the band waggon, independent woman, and overall brilliant review :)
L-R: Greenberry and Papaya |
Now I'm not the kind of girl who has to always has her nails painted, in fact in my house I'm known as the girl who is always
saying she will paint her nails, but never actually
does. But I love these little gems.
I'm sure you have all heard of Barry M's new Gelly Hi-Shine varnishes, but if you haven't tried them out yet, then you really really should. The consistency is slightly thicker than normal, and when they dry they do look a little like gel. The first coat is slightly streaky, but this completely disappears with the second coat.
I have never found a nail varnish that I've loved until I tried the colour Greenberry. I want to wear it
all the time, plus it makes me feel super summery. Papaya is another brilliant colour which I've been sporting on my toes recently.
I also tried to get a bit fancy with the colours...
I got the idea from Dana from Wonder Forest, check out her link
The only complaint I have about these nail varnishes is that I bought these two from Boots whilst I was in England for Easter, but didn't try them out until I got back to Malta. If I had know how much I was going to love them, I would have stocked up on more colours! So not a complaint about the varnishes, but my lack of planning.
Anyway, I hope you are all having a great weekend. The reason I haven't blogged in a while is because my boyfriend has flown out to visit me, and I'm making the most out of seeing him. He leaves on Monday (I'm dreading it so much) and I'll take my sadness out in a creative way and write tons of blogposts. Deal?
Georgia x
P.s. GFC is really going, so follow me on Bloglovin to keep reading my posts